
Comfortable, accurate fit

Restore confidence, speech, eating and quality of life. Premium dental insurance rebates available.


Comfortable, accurate fit

Restore confidence, speech, eating and quality of life. Premium dental insurance rebates available.

Dentures are a time-tested, highly reliable solution for replacing missing teeth. They not only restore your smile but also improve your ability to eat, speak and socialise with confidence. Aesthetic benefits are likely to be the first thing you appreciate about your dentures, yet the improvements they bring to your life are multifaceted and truly transformative.


What are dentures?


Dentures are removable dental appliances, custom-made to fit your mouth. These consist of a gum-coloured base that rests on your gums and supports a set of fully functional artificial teeth, crafted to look natural. This type of restoration is well-established as an effective and cost-effective solution for replacing missing teeth, particularly for patients who may not be suitable candidates for dental implants.

Types of dentures:

Full dentures: These dentures replace all the teeth in one arch (either upper or lower). They are custom-made to fit the contours of your mouth and rely on suction to stay in place. Some individuals may also use denture adhesive for added security.

Partial dentures: Partial dentures preserve your remaining natural teeth while filling in gaps created by missing teeth. They typically feature clasps or attachments that anchor onto adjacent teeth for stability and support.

Immediate dentures: These dentures are crafted in advance and placed immediately after the extraction of your natural teeth. While they offer the benefit of immediate tooth replacement, they may require adjustments as your gums heal and reshape over time.

Overdentures: Overdentures are secured onto dental implants that have been surgically placed in your jawbone. This anchorage provides superior stability and chewing function compared to traditional dentures. Overdentures are an excellent option for individuals seeking enhanced comfort and confidence in their dentures.

What dental issues can dentures fix?

Missing teeth can cause a variety of problems, including:

  • Difficulty eating and speaking clearly
  • Jawbone deterioration due to lack of stimulation
  • Facial collapse, leading to a sunken appearance
  • Shifting of remaining teeth

Dentures address these issues by:

  • Restoring your ability to chew and speak effectively
  • Providing support for your facial muscles, preventing a sunken appearance
  • Helping to preserve your jawbone health
  • Maintaining proper spacing and alignment of your remaining teeth

Benefits of restoring missing teeth

Replacing missing teeth with dentures offers holistic benefits for your overall well-being.

  • Improved oral health: Dentures not only fill the gaps left by missing teeth but also prevent remaining teeth from shifting out of place. This stability makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene, reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease and other oral health issues.

  • Enhanced nutrition: Proper chewing with dentures allows you to eat a wider variety of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables and proteins. This improved ability to consume nutritious foods can positively impact your overall health and well-being.

  • Increased confidence: A complete smile can significantly boost your confidence in social and professional settings. With dentures, you can smile, speak and interact with others without feeling self-conscious about missing teeth, leading to improved self-esteem and a more fulfilling social life.

  • Improved speech: Missing teeth can affect your ability to pronounce words clearly, leading to speech impediments or slurred speech. Dentures provide support for your lips and tongue, helping you speak more clearly and confidently.

  • Aesthetic enhancement: Dentures not only restore the function of your teeth but also enhance the appearance of your smile. By filling in gaps and restoring the natural contours of your mouth, dentures improve facial aesthetics and enhance your overall appearance, giving you a more youthful and attractive smile.

nurse with dentures

What to expect when getting dentures

The denture process typically involves 3-5 appointments at TC Dental:

1. Comprehensive consultation: During your initial consultation, we’ll take the time to understand your needs and expectations. We’ll discuss your dental history, any existing medical conditions and your desired outcome. Our personalised approach ensures we recommend the most appropriate solution for your unique situation.

happy senior

2. Examination and impressions: We will thoroughly examine your mouth and jaw health. This may include X-rays to assess your bone structure and remaining teeth. We’ll then take precise impressions of your mouth to create a comfortable denture precisely crafted to fit your oral anatomy.

3. Design and fabrication: We collaborate closely with our chosen partner dental laboratory throughout the denture creation process. Their expertise and advanced technology ensure exceptional aesthetics and functionality. We ensure you are an active partner, consulting with you on the design aspects, including the tooth shade, shape and arrangement, so you achieve a natural-looking smile that you love.

4. Fittings and adjustments: Ensuring your dentures fit perfectly means you will be asked to come to multiple fitting appointments. Your TC dentist will meticulously evaluate the fit, bite and overall comfort of your dentures. If required, we can fine-tune and make adjustments for optimal results.

5. Delivery and aftercare education: Once your final dentures are complete, you’ll receive them at the dental office. We will provide detailed instructions on proper denture care, cleaning routines and helpful tips for adaptation. We’ll also answer any questions you may have to ensure a smooth transition to your new smile.

What will your new dentures look and feel like?

Our custom dentures at TC Dental are designed to be comfortable, efficient and deliver exceptional results. We partner with a highly skilled dental laboratory that utilises cutting-edge technology to create natural-looking and fully functional dentures.

Getting used to dentures takes time. Initially, they may feel a bit awkward, as though they are bulky or loose. We are with you at every step of the process and, if necessary, we can adjust them for a more comfortable fit. With practice, you’ll find it becomes easier to speak and eat effectively with your dentures.

Caring for dentures

Brushing: Clean your dentures daily with a soft-bristled brush and denture cleanser to remove food particles and prevent plaque buildup.

Soaking: Soak your dentures overnight in a denture solution to keep them moist, preventing drying and cracking.

Handling: Handle dentures with care, as they can break easily. Avoid dropping them, and always hold them over a soft surface like a towel or basin of water.

Regular dental check-ups: Book regular appointments with your TC dentist to monitor your oral health and ensure your dentures fit properly. We can also check for any signs of wear or damage and provide necessary adjustments.

denture inside glass water

Custom-made dentures in Upper Mt Gravatt

Dentures are more than just a replacement for missing teeth; they’re a chance to rediscover the joy of a full, confident smile. Picture yourself laughing with family and friends, enjoying your favourite meals without worry and feeling great about the way you look. Dentures can make all that a reality.


Do dentures hurt?

Generally, no. However, some individuals may experience mild discomfort or sore spots during the initial adjustment period. This is because your gums and mouth tissues are adapting to the new appliance.

Can I eat everything with dentures?

Dentures enable you to enjoy a wide range of foods, but be mindful of what you eat to prevent damage. Avoid very sticky or hard foods that could cause your dentures to loosen or fracture. Instead, opt for softer, easier-to-chew foods initially, gradually reintroducing different textures as you become accustomed to wearing your dentures.

How long do dentures last?

With proper care and maintenance, dentures typically last between 5 and 10 years. However, factors such as changes in your jawbone structure, daily wear and tear and oral hygiene practices can influence their longevity. Regular check-ups with your TC dentist can help assess the condition of your dentures and determine if any adjustments or replacements are necessary.

Can I sleep with my dentures?

While it’s possible to sleep with dentures, removing them at night is generally recommended to allow your gums and jawbone to rest and recover. Sleeping without dentures promotes better circulation and reduces the risk of oral infections and discomfort.

Can I use dental insurance?

Most private insurance plans, such as major dental extras, cover some or all of the costs associated with dentures. To fully understand your coverage options and potential out-of-pocket expenses, it’s advisable to contact your insurance provider directly. They can provide detailed information regarding your plan’s coverage for dentures and any associated expenses you may need to consider.

Take the first bite towards a brighter you!

Don’t let missing teeth hold you back from experiencing life to the fullest. Take control of your smile and your well-being. Book your denture appointment at TC Dental today. Our experienced team can help you achieve a happier, healthier you.

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