Teeth Whitening

Are you happy with the colour of your teeth? Are your teeth shiny and white with that sparkle in the sunlight? If you are not happy with the stains that coffee, tea or smoking have left on your teeth – teeth whitening is definitely an option worth looking into. This treatment whitens teeth and helps to remove any stains or discolouration. Teeth whitening has become hugely popular in recent years because it is proven to enhance and brighten your smile.

At TC Dental Group, we only offer home teeth whitening system as we believe this is the most convenience and affordable option to our patient. Home teeth whitening system can ensure your get whiter and brighter results in your own pace, and it is cost-effective way compared to in-office whitening.

TC dental teeth whitening


Teeth whitening is in general considered a safe and effective treatment; however, not everyone’s teeth are suitable for whitening. If you teeth and gums are not in a healthy condition before you start the whitening process, the procedure may cause damage on your teeth.  In TC Dental Group, our trained and reliable dentist can do an accurate assessment of your teeth and gums to ensure that you are the suitable candidate for teeth whitening.  Once your teeth has assessed by our dentist, we will fabricate a customized whitening trays for your top and bottom teeth. You will then provide with whitening gel and our lovely front desk coordinator will guide you through of how to use on daily basis. You will see results in about 7 days.

Feel excited to improve your smile today, give us a call at (07) 3349 9334 for consultation.

TC Dental Teeth Whitening