Dental emergencies and Consultations

TC Dental Dental emergenciesTC Dental Group anticipate that you may suffer a dental emergency at some stage in your life. We understand the pain, distress and trauma when you experience a sudden toothache or an unexpected dental injury. Always seek treatment as soon as possible. Our dental practices provide immediate emergency dental treatment and consultation when you need it the most.

Types of dental emergencies include:

  • Severe toothache
  • Knocked-out/dislodged teeth
  • Oral soft tissue trauma & bleeding
  • Jaw pain
  • Fractured Jaw
  • Bitten or injured tongue, lips or cheeks
  • Abscesses/oral infection/facial swelling
  • Cracked, broken, chipped or fractured teeth
  • Lost/fractured crowns, fillings or other dental work
  • Root  canal problems

Give us a call to make a fast-tracked appointment if you require urgent assistance. Our friendly staff are ready and on-call to receive and treat any dental emergency you or your family may experience.