Medicare covers most Australians health care in the public health sector however it doesn’t cover everything. That’s why most people choose to take out personal health insurance tailored to their own or family’s needs so they are covered for better health care service when required. Here are some points for you to consider.

Advantages of private health insurance

Private health insurance can help to cover the costs for any dental care and the difference you pay usually depends on your level of cover but with modern technology these days you can ask your dentist for a dental treatment plan. This is their version of a quote and has a breakdown of all dental work required usually split by type and treatment, cost and a code that your private health care provider can give you a rebate and usually only requires you to swipe your card for the rebate. This is done with our modern HICAPS® machine and can usually be applied on the spot.

Consider treatment at the right timing

One thing to be aware of though is you have one year to use your benefits which are generally the same as a calendar year so don’t leave it to the last minute as you need to remember you still need an appointment plus time for the actual dental work. If you require major dental for example a tooth implant, you may be able to start the first part towards the end of the year to claim your rebate and plan to finish it in the New Year to claim another rebate thereby spreading the costs over two years without actually taking two years.

There is a government website to compare health insurance policies

There are three general types of private health insurance cover, Hospital, Extras and Ambulance. Dentists tend to fall under the Extras cover and all policies are different. Luckily with the internet nowadays there are new ways to compare insurance online and health insurance is no exception. The government has their own website, for people to use and compare information on similar policies from different health insurance providers, all you need is a capable smart device or even better use your personal computer for a clearer understanding.

Dental preferred providers

Preferred providers like Bupa, Medibank Private (Members’ Choice Advantage), HCF, Westfund, NIB, CBHS and all other major health funds can help you with any dental claim to make sure you get the highest benefit rate so the gap or out-of-pocket expense you pay is less and in some cases like a professional dentist clean for example your private health insurance can cover everything so there is no gap to pay.

Keep on top of your insurance

The Private Health Insurance Ombudsman recommends reviewing your policy at least once a year as your circumstances may change from time to time, especially as you grow older and your needs change. Of course private health insurance is optional however if you don’t purchase hospital cover by the 1st of July following your 31st birthday, you will pay the Lifetime Health Cover loading on top of the premium of any hospital cover you purchase later on.

Private health insurance Tax benefits

There is a rebate, known as the Australian Government Private Health Insurance Rebate. It’s aged-based and income tested and most Australians with private health insurance currently receive a rebate from the Australian Government to help cover the cost of their premiums. If you are eligible for the rebate, you can have the rebate automatically deducted off your premiums or claim it back at tax time. The rebate is available for people with Medicare eligibility and further conditions may apply.
