Preferred Providers near MacGregor
Preferred Providers near MacGregor
TC Dental is a preferred provider for most major health funds
We are preferred providers for the following health funds: Medibank Private(Members’ Choice Advantage), Bupa, HCF, NIB, CBHS and Westfund.
If you’re a member of these health funds, TC Dental Group can offer you discounted dental treatment and access to higher rebates (within your annual limit) compared to non-preferred provider dental practices.
We also welcome all major private health funds and make claiming easy with our HICAPS® facility. This system allows you to make on-the-spot claims, deducting your health fund rebate from your dental fees immediately, saving you time and effort.
Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) 2024 offers a $1,095 government benefit for basic dental services for eligible children aged 2 to 17 years, over a consecutive two-year period. For families eligible for this benefit, there will be no gap subsidy for covered services and no upfront payments required.
Veteran Affairs
We are honored to serve veterans as a registered Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) provider. If you hold a DVA Card, you are warmly welcomed at TC Dental. Our team is committed to providing respectful and high-quality care for our veterans.
Get in touch with us
For enquiries or to book your next appointment, call us on (07) 3349 9334 or fill out our online form, and we’ll respond by the end of the next business day. At TC Dental, we’re here to provide accessible, affordable, and professional dental care for the whole family.
HICAPS® facility for all major private health funds